Frequently asked questions

Do Koi like to be petted?

As Koi get comfortable in their home and understand that you have a regular feeding area away from the skimmer, the will feel the vibration of your feet as you walk to the pond and eagerly wait for you to feed them. With patience they can be taught to eat out of your hand. while it may be fun to pet a fish and feel their scales, Koi do have a protective slime coat covering their entire skin which if damaged can subject your fish to unnecessary problems. So it is best not to touch your pets unnecessarily.

How can I tell if my Koi is stressed?

The best way to identify a stressed Koi is the following. First off observe your fish on a regular basis so that you know what is usual behavior. Pay attention to the fish's top fin, normally it will be in an upright and extended position. When the top fin is constantly flat against the body "clamped down" that indicates that the Koi is significantly stressed and steps should be taken immediately to determine the issue, starting with water quality, especially if many of the Koi are exhibiting the same clamp down. Not all the fish will exhibit this issue since different problems affect different size and type of Koi differently. Next examine the action of the gills, if they are opening and closing rapidly or if the gill tissue is white or grey your fish has beathing issues, usually bacterial gill disease which should be treated promptly. Your fish should be observed regularly for open sores and external growths, which also require attention.